For Institutional bodies and trade associations

Technical training for public officials and stakeholder involvement


Permanent Governance Committee (PGC) will coordinate the contribution of the main stakeholders of the LIFE WEEE project: the local public administration (Municipalities), the professional associations, the chamber of commerce, the authorities for waste management (ATO), the companies collection, associations of local public services. The PGC will organize tables and working groups to which the various stakeholders will participate on the basis of their area of ​​expertise.

With respect to local public administrations, the capacity building of public officials will be achieved through technical training sessions for three distinct groups: policy makers, technical staff and municipal police. The objective is to improve the institutional capacity and efficiency of public services in the collection of WEEE. The training will include the following common topics: European, national and regional environmental administrative legislation, organization and skills in the management of WEEE, model and organization of governance, classification and management of WEEE, training and correct communication and information to citizens.

Around 1200 public officials are expected to participate.
